U.S. Supreme Court turns over Roe Vs. Wade

by Anvi Atreja

Presidents are aghast at Roe Vs. Wade turnover. On June 24th, the supreme court turned over the famous case of Roe Vs. Wade, in which women had the right to abortion. Joe Biden, current U.S. President, said that he would do all in his power, to make sure that women would keep their right to abortion. When he learned of the event, he said that it was a “sad day for the court and the country.” saying that the supreme court, “took” their right away. Barack Obama, Former U.S. President, tweeted, “Today, the Supreme Court not only reversed nearly 50 years of precedent, but it also relegated the most intensely personal decision someone can make to the whims of politicians and ideologues -attacking the essential freedoms of millions of Americans” Additionally, Justin Trudeau tweeted, “My heart goes out to the millions of American women who are now set to lose their legal right to an abortion. I can’t imagine the fear and anger you are feeling right now,” 

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